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Wow, I'm A Published Author!

Hali Kayhill

Will You Be Mine can be purchased on in either eBook or Paperback. Thank you to those of you who have already bought your copy! Huge thanks to those who have read and given me feedback. Massive thanks to those who read and added a rating or review on Amazon - those are invaluable!

Recently, a friend, one who has been with me through this entire writing journey, asked how it feels to be a published author. To be honest, it took several months to decide what I felt. At first, it seemed too surreal to even take in. Then, I felt vulnerable and nervous about anyone enjoying Candy's story. Finally, sometime in October, it hit me. GRATITUDE! Publishing fulfills a decade-long dream. God allowed me to use my imagination, all the wonderful training (which includes a life-long love of reading), and my obsession with analyzing relationships to "quilt together" a story my heart adores!

What's next? Will You Be Mine begins a four book series. Book one told Candy's story. Books two and three switch to Hannah. Book four brings another character to the forefront, but I'll tell you more about her later. Except for Hannah's two books which really need to be read together, these novels can be read as stand alone stories. However, I believe you will enjoy the characters and settings more if you read them all in order. I love revisiting characters I have already bonded with and hope you will too!

Hannah's first book is written and has been through the hands of two professional editors. Now, she needs my attention through deep and tender but precise editing to hone and polish this first step in her journey. Her second book is partially written down, and the rest of it still resides in my heart and head. The ending of book two has already been written and called thrilling by one of my editors, yay!

Lord willing, Hannah will make her debut in spring of 2023 with her second book, third in the series, following by the end of next year. The cover art for her first book should be in my hands by December! Wasn't Candy's cover stunning? My artist friend did an absolutely incredible job! I don't anticipate as much crying over the technical details of turning his beautiful artwork into a cover this time which will be a tremendous blessing!

Thank you, again, for your support, encouragement, and honest feedback. I would not be here without you! Readers are everything, and I appreciate you more than words could express. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Watch for details - December brings my first two book signing events. I'll be posting information here and on Facebook. Both of them will be in New Mexico - Corrales and Albuquerque!

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What one reader said about
Will You Be Mine:
"The characters felt so real to me that
I found myself praying for them."

Will You Be Mine is one of those amazing stories that deeply touches your heart and gives you hope. Reminding you that God is always there, waiting to hold your hand and give you strength when it is most needed. The praise that has been given by others for this book is spot-on. Newly published author, Hali Kayhill, delivered brilliantly in her character development and story line. Once you start reading this book it is hard to put it down. 

Jan B. - Goodreads Review  

Will You Be Mine - I really enjoyed this story from start to finish. I can’t remember the last story that I read that made me tear up so much. I can’t wait for more stories from this author.

Yvonne O - Amazon Review

Will You Be Mine - This cast of characters is as deep and as complex as the world we live in... The story makes your heart ache for their turmoil and cheer for their blessings and overcoming spirits. Take the opportunity to make new friends within these pages. Take some time to walk with them, enjoy their company, and be lifted by their stories.
Dawn B. - Goodreads & Amazon Review

Will You Be Mine - ​I am not a huge reader but I couldn't put this book down! The characters were so real to life and I could relate to the storyline and its meaning. I actually envisioned how all the characters would look like in person; the author's character description was on point and thats what draws me to a good storyline/book. We could all learn from the main character and all the hardships she went through. I was so sad when the book was finished and I'm hoping Hali Kayhill has a sequel in the works. Kudos to the author for putting so many life lessons in this book...I became a better person for reading it. It's definitely on my list to read again!

Sara W-B - Amazon Review

Will You Be Mine - ​I loved this book! It drew me back into a life of reading. The description of the characters was compelling and the New Mexico imagery was wonderfully familiar.

Lori W-G - Amazon Review

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